Pure Coffee Happiness.

Our mission is to make people happy with the most aromatic food on earth: coffee.

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Loved Flavours

We strive for a coffee that everybody adores. It has smoothest flavours: from chocolate to vanilla. Further, it is low in acidity. For this purpose, we source the best beans from the most remote corners of the earth, blend them accurately and roast gently in small batches.


We built-up long-term relationships with our coffee-farmers, pay 2x the fairtrade-price and support them with special social projects. In Rwanda, for example, we’re boosting women-empowerment for 35 women via a specially focussed fund.

Comprehensive Sustainability

Your coffee is being delivered via cargo-bike in a pawn-barrel - straight to your door. The empty barrel is exchanged with a full one at the next delivery. Thus, there’s no package-waste & CO2-pollution within the city.

100% Convenience for Offices

We can have the most positive impact when serving offices. That’s why we try to make everything as convenient as possible for the office management. From providing flexible delivery plans to coordinating machine service.